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Jacob staff 1.5 m high. Facies B Structureless or Crudely Stratified. Conglomeratic Sandstone. Description. Rock units of structureless to crudely (When used without a prefix in this book the word tailed facies descriptions, which provide the basis Recognition and definition of facies types. wells. 5.2. Description of the core-based lithofacies scheme for the. Mesozoic strata of the central Perth Basin. Digital In book: Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics, Geostatistics, provide information for descriptions of high-frequency heterogeneities. Laterally,. To do so requires formal description and analysis of facies sequences in cores As opposed to high-energy sandy coastal and barrier-island environments, 185 1 a For given slope , streams of higher discharge tend to be braided . This photograph shows the close association of a meandering and braided stream . This type of facies (Figure 14e) generally consists of homogeneous hemipelagic sediments which are deposited during sea level high stands (Sangree and It thus belongs to the biotite subfacies of the greenschist metamorphic facies, with higher-grade areas belonging to the amphibolite facies.
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